No Strings Theatre Company is an all volunteer organization. There are many jobs to be done at a theatre even if you have no desire to be on stage. Some jobs are closely linked to the production schedule while many others can be done at times of your choosing. You don't need to be experienced for many of the jobs. We can train you. All you need is a love of theater and some spare time. Volunteer and become an important part of Las Cruces' best theatrical experience. Below is a list of the many things people do at the theatre.
If you have questions on volunteering or want to volunteer, please contact the theatre at (575) 523-1223 or contact us via email.
Backstage Costumes | construction and alteration | Costumes often need to be sewn from patterns. People with various amounts of sewing experience are needed to make new costumes or to alter existing garments. You need not own a sewing machine to be of help, although it would be a plus. This work is done as needed prior to the opening. |
Backstage Costumes | costume inventory | The theatre receives donations of costumes. These must be cataloged and a list entered into the computer. The clothing items must be placed in the appropriate area of the costume storage area. This work is done on an as-needed basis, not during performance or rehearsal times. |
Backstage Costumes | dresser | The actors often need help changing costumes or emergency repairs made during the performance. The dresser must be backstage at all performances. |
Backstage Costumes | maintenance | Costumes must be laundered and sometimes repaired during the production run. This sometimes involves work during the days between performances. |
Backstage Properties | artisan | Some props must be made specifically for a certain production or modified from existing objects. |
Backstage Properties | buyer | The buyer first checks the theatre's properties inventory for a suitable item. If it is not on hand the buyer locates the prop and arranges for its loan or purchase. |
Backstage Properties | inventory | The theatre receives donations of properties. These must be cataloged and a list entered into the computer. The items must be placed in the appropriate area of the properties storage area. This work is done on an as-needed basis, not during performance or rehearsal times. |
Backstage Technical | backstage running crew | These people stay backstage to assist in a number of ways during the productions. They must be at the theatre every night of tech week (the week before the production opens) and at all performances. |
Backstage Technical | light operator | This person runs the lights for the production and must be at the theatre every night of tech week (the week before the production opens) and at all performances. |
Backstage Technical | set construction | Sets need to be constructed for each production and audience seating sometimes needs to be moved to different configurations. We have work days on Saturdays and also do some construction of sets during the week. |
Backstage Technical | sound operator | This person runs the music and sound effects for the production and must be at the theatre every night of tech week (the week before the production opens) and at all performances. |
Creative Team | play selection | The No Strings Theatre Company Board of Directors selects the plays to be produced and directors for its productions at the Black Box Theatre. |
Creative Team | the artistic director | is often ask to suggest people to serve in these capacities or as assistants in these areas. |
Creative Team | the director | assembles his or her creative team which includes the Designers (sets, costumes, lights, properties and sound) and Stage Manager. |
InHouse | box office manager | The Box Office Manager sells tickets on the night of performances, checks in ticket holders and marks the seating diagram. We have 10 performances of all major productions and would like managers for each night. |
InHouse | house manager | The House Manager is responsible checking the seating area and lobby to see that is ready for patrons, setting up the punch, cookies and coffee for intermission, emptying trash cans and checking the lobby and house after all patrons have left. On opening nights, we have a cake or pastries and champagne which the House Manager, along with the ushers, sets-up and serves after the performance. |
InHouse | short call list | If you are on this list you are on-call for the front-of-house staff. Should someone be unable to come as scheduled on a performance night, you would be called, sometimes on short notice, to fill in for that person. |
Publicity | brochure and flier distributors | Brochures and advertising fliers for No Strings Theatre Company need to be taken to distribution points in town. |
Publicity | bulk mailing helpers | We send an advance notice of all productions to everyone on our mailing list Volunteers are needed to paste address labels on the mailings and take them to the post office. |
Publicity | photography | Head shots must be taken of the actors and rehearsal photos taken, developed, and delivered to the local papers according to their deadlines. |
Publicity | press release writers | Press releases must be written three weeks in advance of opening night and taken to the local papers. Some other publications have e-mail addresses and publish monthly. Their deadlines must be met. |
NSTC @ The Black Box Theatre
430 N. Main St.
Las Cruces NM, 88001