NSTC has set its season. Because we do not need any new material in the near future, we will not be considering any new manuscripts at this time!
NSTC is pleased to consider original manuscripts for production or public reading. PLEASE NOTE: We are currently considering ONLY full length submissions. 10 minute and one-act works do not fulfill our current program needs.
In general, priority is given to works not previously produced but we also accept works with a limited production history.
While we can present readings of plays with large casts and multiple settings, we cannot generally produce plays with more than eight cast members or with multiple settings which cannot be suggested with changes in set pieces, stage areas and/or lighting.
Please DO NOT submit either electronic or hard copy of script material. Our artistic staff will review the information provided below to determine if your submission meets our programmatic needs and falls within our production capabilities. If so, we will e-mail you and ask for a 10 page sample of the script which will be reviewed by our play selection committee. If the play reading committee recommends your sample, we will contact you to submit a hard copy of the complete script.
* Required Fields: Name, Phone, Email, Title, Authors, and Synopsis. URLs are not allowed.