NSTC Needs Your Support!
Ticket sales don't cover our full costs of bringing you high quality theatre. We rely on adventurous, open-minded individuals like you to help maintain our balance.
No Strings Theatre Company is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization and your contributions to the theatre are tax deductible as allowed under the tax codes.
Giving Assistant
Giving assistant is an online shopping site that provides you with discounted shopping at several thousand on-line shopping sites while also contributing cash back from your purchases to NSTC. You can link to them here: https://givingassistant.org/np#no-strings-theatre-company
Donate By Mail
To donate by mail, please download and complete the donation form . Your form and check payable to No Strings Theatre Company can be dropped off or mailed to us at:
No Strings Theatre Company
430 N. Main St.
Las Cruces, NM 88001
Donation Levels
All donors will receive a name listing in all programs for the season and invitations to special events at the Black Box Theatre.
corporateDonors | | |
contributor | up to $24 | |
donor | $25-$49 | Free Write On! admission. |
donor | $25-$49 | Free Write On! admission. |
supporter | $50-99 | Free Write On! admission. |
patron | $100-$249 | Free Write On! admission. 1 coupon pack. May reserve seats 1 month prior to performance |
sponsor | $250-$499 | Free Write On! admission. 1 coupon pack. May reserve seats 1 month prior to performance |
benefactor | $500-$999 | Free Write On! admission. 2 coupon packs. May reserve seats 1 month prior to performance |
angel | $1000 or more | Free Write On! admission. 2 coupon packs. May reserve seats 1 month prior to performance |
We Thank Our Current Donors!
Anonymous, Richard Colvin, Arlene Dohr in Memory of Don Dohr,
Ceil Herman in Memory of Joe & Jody Bromberg,
Peter Herman in Memory of Ruth Herman, William Robinson & Susan Nurrenbern
John Bloom In Memory of Jo Tice Bloom, Bill & Julia Brogan, Darrell & Dolores Wardsponsor
Anonymous In Memory of Ann Palormo, Owe & Gloria Bergh,
Jeff Brown & Cherri Hudson-Brown in Memory of Ira Hudson III, Ronald & Susan Cavill,
Mike & Debbie Cruzan, Louise Forshaw, Rondla Hardin, Charles Harper, Phil & Valery Heller,
Maryce Jacobs, Caryl Kotulak, JE & June Lee, Charles & Jean Murphree, Jim & Cathie O'Brien,
Mary Rogan & Tony Swart, Judith Scott, Jeff & Diane Thomas, Denise Welsh,
Harry & Marlene Zwibel
Anonymous (3), Judie & Guy Aurada, Marianne & Lehman Barnes,
Larry & Dee Beck, Jo & John Bloom, R. Jeffrey Bowers, MaryKay Brady,
Bob Burn & Cathy Johnson, Nancy Dowdney, Walter & Barb Dutton, Marilyn Hansen,
Dinah Lea Jentgen, Laurie Kibbe, Willian & Christina Little, Lance & Georgia Lusk,
Julie Marineau, Don & Ila McCoy, Rorie & Ed Measure, Weeden & Rosalie Nichols, Beth Pollack,
Bernard & Nancy Ryan, Gorton & Linda Smith, Mark & Katrina Space in Memory of Rachel Space,
Caroline Thompson, Judith Waite, Tom & Karen Warren, Denise Welsh,
Joan Whitted, Carol Witham
George & Sandy Abernathy, Joe Ann Adams, Gary & Karen Bartholomew, Cathrine Christmann,
Mike & Karen Currier, Lynn Deming, Mandy Deming, Diane Lee, B. Dianne McLeod,
Barbara Myers, Joel Siegel, Rita Varagona, Ruth Wiser
Lisa & Howard Altschwager, Lynn Deming, Denise Gordon, Rafael Medina, Eleni Philippou, Sheila Sachs, Jerry & Ellen Saige, Shirley Soulesdonor
Lynn Deming, Sandra Donovan, Emerald Haggen, Sherry Hulsey, Jo Ingle, Sheila Sachscontributor
Robert Brocate, Marsha Coral, Esther Devall, Jan LavincorporateDonors
Amazon Smile, Giving Assistant, IBM, Tucan Market